Faith-Based Morals

2 min readMar 17, 2024
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Do you have faith?

I mean, real faith? The belief that anything could be achieved with hard work, planning and dedication?

Well, to me, faith is a powerhouse and I plan to put its good uses to the test for one of the most difficult of tasks of life and that is changing my tomorrow by defeating my past.

I am quite introspective, and I am also reflective, so I do take time to look back at my past decisions and cleanse myself from feelings that slow me down or oppress me.

It is an important task, this ability to look into oneself and to examine one’s emotional state and to connect the dots from it, and it is the mark of a healthy person to live in such consciousness applied.

As living souls, we are full of wants, needs and the awareness that we have to work to get them, and while we have to work to separate our wants from our needs, we are each imbued with the confidence that if we follow certain rules, we will be rewarded with good things.

This has not changed.

Isn’t this powerful enough for you?

I have been using this line of thought to address the needs of the world and I have been paying a great deal of attention to our need for love, as it truly is the power to surmount all.

As a self-described lover, and not a fighter, I challenge myself to find love even when my feelings are pushing in a different direction, and I have to say that it has been a very rewarding task.

Truly, this is only the feat of God, as I have had to demonstrate years of patience, interminable hope, and lots of grace, even as I work to seat my morals around me.

As I child, I had avoided fighting, but suddenly, out of nowhere, in my mid-adult years, I found myself feeling challenged to show myself angrily, particularly to the people whom I loved the most.

It was a confusing time for me, but it was an important revelation of facts, which is, even the nicest person will react angrily, when pushed to extremes.

So, I had to rely on my faith to create insight when the outside had none, so as to regain my mental homeostasis of peace with all men.

It was not a difficult task, as morals existed long before trials and travails so my actions had to allow time to shape them accordingly.

Today, I can say that I am filled with mental clarity and aplomb, both of which guard me and guide me through the days and years.

I hope that you too can find the same rest.

Happy reading!





I’m a writer, designer and master’s level forensic psychologist; I write about current events, culture and mental health.